centering 3d objects to screen dimensions

Is there anyway to center a 3d object to the screen depending on the screen width and height? Similar to the same way guiTextures and what not are by using Screen.width/2 ect.

Why not just child the object to the camera, then set it’s local position to 0,0,10? Z will vary depending on orthographic, perspective etc.

There are some Camera methods which might help you:

WorldToScreenPoint Transforms position from world space into screen space.
WorldToViewportPoint Transforms position from world space into viewport space.
ViewportToWorldPoint Transforms position from viewport space into world space.
ScreenToWorldPoint Transforms position from screen space into world space.
ScreenToViewportPoint Transforms position from screen space into viewport space.
ViewportToScreenPoint Transforms position from viewport space into screen space.
ViewportPointToRay Returns a ray going from camera through a viewport point.
ScreenPointToRay Returns a ray going from camera through a screen point.

Thanks I shall give some of these a try