I am streaming 360 films from Youtube into my Google Cardboard app and the camera is always pointing at a different place.
The process is the user TPs to a film space within the app and then I do this:
Not sure what’s your problem. The code make absolutely no sense.
I saw you have made the target film static, so rotating its transform might not make so much visible difference.
You are moving around the player in the scene, right?
Perhaps it’s just the camera rig that’s not aligned to the player then on start.
How about recenter the rig so the player is looking in the player forward direction?
All VR-rigs have methods for this, as far as I know.
Just recenter to set the camera localEulerAngles to 0 which should make it look in the player forward direction.
thanks but I don’t use a VR rig as last time I tried I was unable to control the scene in the editor run game mode which made life very difficult. In addition I could get a reticle pointer that just worked with gaze and pick.
Will investigate whether these have changed but currently use a normal camera with elements of GVReditor (it is also why I am still on 2019.4.x