CG Fragment/vertex shader, using a alpha texture?

Hello, can someone point me to a resource showing how to write using alpha texture to cut out a color? Can’t seem to find something like that. Thank you.

EDIT : I am wanting to do semitransparent, but all I can find is alpha cutout examples. Not really sure how to use the alpha as the gradient, and not just a cutoff.

Here some code I am working on, but it makes it completely transparent:

         float4 frag(vertexOutput i) : COLOR
          float4 texcol = tex2D (_MainTex, float2(i.uv)).a * _Color;      
            return texcol;   

DOH! I had texture on clamp and not repeat, and for some reason that was preventing a good render. I think some scaling was happining, and I just wasn’t seeing all of the texture.