Any prototype to make same chain behaviour like in the video
There is a tutorial ,search in youtube how to create a rope,is the same as chain. then attach to the cars.
There is no such video with this behaviour …
Mostly are for 2d rope that works
I know you meant well, but don’t nest like that, it is not a good technique for performance.
For a start, rigidbody children ignore parents during simulation. They have their own hierarchy which is governed by joint connectivity or compound colliders, so a lot of performance is lost.
Messed with this already , if the rope is static at one side and move from other side it swings cool like rope
but if you drag two ends at the same time it behaves weird.
Your problem is much greater than this. Physics engines aren’t very good at rope by default due to the iterative nature (a bit more is solved each frame), so usually you want a custom joint done in software that can’t break or pull apart. You can do some searches, it’s very well covered on these forums. In addition asset store has rope that probably solves all this:
Otherwise if you’re not going to code your own rope, then you probably should increase iterations etc in options. I can’t help more because several threads already cover this. Good luck.