Challenge 2 only has sample scene

I know how to create projects and import packages. I did that for Prototype 1, Challenge 1, and Prototype 2. But in Challenge 2, there’s only the sample scene. No flying dogs or anything that’s shown in the video. Just a blank, empty scene with nothing going on. All the other assets imported, like the dogs and balls. But there’s no other scene than the sample scene in the assets.

Make sure you have the same directory hierarchy as the person below.

This is just not happening for me.

In the tutorial it says…

  • Open your Prototype 2 project

  • Click to download the Challenge 2 starter files, extract the compressed folder, and then import the .unitypackage into your project If you forget how to do this, refer to Lesson 1.1, step 2

I tried that. I also tried starting it as an independent project outside of Prototype 2. I’m not seeing the proper directory heirarchy.

I’ll just skip this and go on to the next thing. It seems like just a review of what I learned so I probably won’t miss anything too essential.

Stupid me, I just had the cam in a weird position. Did you solve it?
The scene is in the challenge 2 folder, not in scenes or something.