Change 3d object height without RectTransform

I have a cylinder (simple mesh created in unity), and I’m trying to change its height.
Well, I found a good solution for RectTransform:

     RectTransform rT;
     void Start(){
     rT = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
     void Update(){ //Increase height of UI element.
     rT.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rT.sizeDelta.x,rT.sizeDelta.y + 0.5f);

But my GameObject does not have a RectTransform property. It has Transform only.
Any idea, please?

transform.localScale += new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0);

Sure this will change my scale. Anyway I need to high the height of the object, not to scale.
Your solution add 2.5f up and 2.5f down. I need 5.0f up only