Change alpha color of specific letter in a Text UI with C#

I need a script that allows me to selectively hide and show characters of a Text UI.
I know how to change the alpha color of text itself, but I don’t know how to analyze the Text string.
For this purpose I have a Text UI with the text component I need to check. I also have a gameobject with a bool: when this bool is true, the alpha color of a specific letter in Text UI is set to 1.
For example, let’s say I need to show every “B” letter in the Text.
Which code should I use to pick every “B” letter and set the alpha color to 1?

Thanks in advance

This is my code

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Collectible : MonoBehaviour {	

        public bool characterB;
	public GameObject letterText;
	public Color textColor;

	void Update () 

		if (characterB == true) 
			Text text = letterText.GetComponent<Text>();
			text.color = textColor;



Example for letter ‘B’

Text myText = letterText.GetComponent<Text>();
myText.text = myText.text.Replace("B", "<color=#ffffffxx>B</color>");

xffffffxx = white with xx = your alpha value in hex

use this :
textColor=new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);

that contain Vector4(r,g,b,a)