Change between 2 freelook camera and virtual camera

edit: problem solved!

I am trying to make a third-person camera view control where the player place at middle of the screen, and when it lock-on to a target, place player at bottom-left of the screen and look at the target at middle of the screen.

I create a freelook camera and a virtual camera and switch its priority in each mode

(1) Freelook camera when there are no locked on target

  • the player’s character rotate himself follow the camera’s rotation

(2) Virtual camera with Framing Tramposer and Composer

  • the player’s character always look at the target every frame

-when player switches back to freelook camera from the lock-on camera, it goes back to the rotation before lock-on is enabled, and that could even rotate the player itself

Sorry for my bad English. I feel like there are better way to do this but I’m stuck. If I’m in the wrong direction in the first place please guide me…

Screenshot of the setting:

Code that switch between two camera:

 void LockOnTriggered()
        if (!lockOnMode)
            //change to lock on mode if the camera can find a target
            lockOnTarget = FindTarget();
            if (lockOnTarget != null)
                lockOnCamera.Priority = 1;
                freeLookCamera.Priority = 0;
                lockOnMode = true;
                //set aiming target
                lockOnCamera.LookAt = GetCameraFocusAvailable(lockOnTarget);
            //back to default
            lockOnCamera.Priority = 0;
            freeLookCamera.Priority = 1;
            lockOnCamera.LookAt = null;
            lockOnTarget = null;
            lockOnMode = false;
            //reset free look camera's rotation
            --------Change the rotation of freelook camera here----------

How did you solve the problem?