Change Bool When Audio Clip Ends C#

I have a function like this:

//Generic Factoids Call Up
	public void GenericFactoidCall(){
		source.PlayOneShot (FactoidsCallClips [Random.Range (0, FactoidsCallClips.Length)]);


The trouble is that I have a bool on another script called “KITT_isSpeaking” that I want to change when the Audio Clip Ends, I’m currently doing this in Update:

void Update(){
		if (source.isPlaying) {
			Debug.Log ("KITT IS TALKING");
			KITTmodesObject.KITT_isSpeaking = true;
		if (!source.isPlaying){
			Debug.Log ("KITT IS NOT TALKING");
			KITTmodesObject.KITT_isSpeaking = false;

now this does work for the most part, but the problem I have is that in the other script I have a coroutine that tries to make the:
“KITT_isSpeaking” bool True when it starts…
But the update in the Other script changes it back to False.

is there a way for me to have the bool in the coroutine able to change the bool and not have the update in the other script cancels that out?

You can make something like this:

private IEnumerator PlaySound(AudioClip clip, Action onComplete) {
	yield return new WaitForSeconds(clip.length);
	if (onComplete != null) onComplete();