Change boolean after Animation is done

I guess this is a rather basic Question and probably an easy one to solve… but never the less I can’t figure it out:

So I got this Animation for my 2D character to move, and I want a boolean to change after the animation is done.

It looks something like this:
(This script refrences to my main one)

if ((mainScript.toRight)&&(mainScript.walk))

		currentAnimationType = AnimationType.WalkRight;
        randomBoolean = true; // after the animation finished

But it doesn’t seem to work that way…

Any advice? :slight_smile:

on your script create function animationEnded. or whatever name you want.
then create animationEvent at the very last keyframe then
select your animationEnded function on the dropdown list.
inside that function change your bool varaible to true/false