So I’m new to unity but I thought I was understanding it a decent amount for how long I’ve been using it but this is completely stumping me. I’ve been on this (what seems should be a very simple function) for most of last night and today. I have tried so many different ways but none of them work.
What Im trying to do is detect when a CPU player reaches my base and simply turn a false boolean true. Well the CPU player has a character collider which won collide with a the box collider on the base so I made a cube gameobject and set it as a child to the CPU player. Right now its set to a box collider with isTrigger true, but I’ve also tried giving it a rigid body. Right now the script is in the CPU player but I’ve also tried giving the cube its own script. Like I said, I’ve tried many ways and nothing seems to work.
This is what I have now…
var onBase = false;
function OnTriggerStay(collision : Collider)
if(collision.gameObject.tag == "base")
onBase = true;