Change BuildPhysicsWorld update rhythm

Hi There!
I am currently working on an ECS scene with 50k+ entities, each has a BoxCollider attached. Running the scene shows that updating the physics take quite a long time (approx 6ms):

Now I understand that updating a system of 50k+ entities takes some time, I wonder if the update rhythm can be adjusted somewhere? All the 50k entities are moving very slowly, so an updated physics world every frame is not necessary. It seems the physics update takes approx 4 ms to wait for the jobs to be finished:

PS.: I have already switched multi threading for physics off but this increased the overall calculation time to ~20ms, maybe this could be the solution if I could say: don’t update every frame but separate it over the next 20 frames…

I don’t recall how its done in Entities but you can adjust the “FixedUpdate” time respectively frequency.

Check if Entities already uses the FixedUpdate time you can set under Project Settings/Time (default: 0.02s or 50 Hz) but this will change the update rate of the entire physics simulation and may need retweaking forces and such.

Thanks for your answer! But I think ECS has a different fixedUpdate system. What I researched so far is that it has something to do with RateUtils:
Class RateUtils.FixedRateSimpleManager | Entities | 1.0.16

From an iSystem I probably need to grab the FixedStepSimulationSystemGroup and adjust the time - but how?

    var system=state.World.GetExistingSystem<FixedStepSimulationSystemGroup>();
    RateUtils.FixedRateSimpleManager... ???