Change color of object, next color overlays instead of replaces

Ok so I’ve got a GUI with multiple buttons, each to change an object to a different color.
The script works great, but if I select one color and then another Unity seems to combine both colors and creates a new color.

My code looks like this:

		if (GUI.Button (Rect (490,785,80,20), GUIContent("White", "White"))){
						for (var obj: GameObject in Roof){
						obj.renderer.material.SetColor("_Color",activeColor); //Set Colour Option

I have a second button with a different color, once I press the next button it mixes the 2 colors.

Example: Button one is White,
Button two is dark blue

When I click button one, the white looks great, then I hit button two and instead of switching to blue, it creates a Light blue (teal) color (mixing the 2 colors)

Also have the same thing happen when I try switch the Texture (using a solid color png)

Have you tried simply just saying

for(var obj in Roof)

This will switch the materials color to the activeColor. Since you are accessing the shader it is up to the shader how it interprets the new color (either using a combine technique of any sort or just using that single color). Try the fore-mentioned code, it should give you the results you want.