I am wondering why the below code is not changing the color of my particles:
`public GameObject instRegularParticles
public Color holder
void OnParticleCollision (GameObject other)
Debug.Log(“Particles Collided”); // happensholder = new Color[5]; holder = instRegularParticles.GetComponent<ParticleAnimator>( ).colorAnimation;
// change the initial value of 255,255,255,255 to redish?
holder[0].r = 155f;
holder[0].g = 41f;
holder[0].b = 48f;
holder[0].a = 214f;
// coppy?
instRegularParticles.GetComponent( ).colorAnimation = holder;
This logic worked when I wanted to decrement (fade particles away), I am asking what I could be doing wrong? Or not using, rather?