Hello guys. I’m trying to change the color for all materials on my gameObject, but it only change the first one…
I’m using this code:
gameObject.renderer.material.color = Color.red;
but the gameObject i want to change the color, have tons of materials 
is there a way to change the colors to all materials easily?
use renderer.materials
instead of renderer.material
foreach (Material mat in renderer.materials) {
mat.color = Color.red;
for (var i = 0; i < renderer.materials.length; i++) {
renderer.materials*.color = Color.red;*
If you want to return the original colors, you have to first change ALL the colors, then yield, then after returning change back ALL the colors. You can’t yield between changing one material and changing it back…
for (var i = 0; i < renderer.materials.length; i++) {
renderer.materials*.color = Color.red;*
yield WaitForSeconds(0.6);
for (var i = 0; i < renderer.materials.length; i++) {
renderer.materials*.color = Color.white;*
Unfortunately, materials doesn’t have a .color method, as .color addresses the main material on an object, while materials returns the full array of materials on an object. If you’d like to modify the color of all materials on an object, better to cache the original materials, then modify the array inside of a for loop.
oldMaterials : Material[] = renderer.materials;
for (var i = 0; i < renderer.materials.length; i++) {
renderer.materials*.color = Color.red;*
Then, once you’ve completed any other operation you’d like, just restore your old material array:
renderer.materials = oldMaterials;
You can also use material Property blocks which are faster than creating materials at runtime.
Declare a MPB and init it later use it in a for loop. In 2018 you can give it a material index when setting the meshrenderer MPB which in this case it’s “i”.
MaterialPropertyBlock MPB;
void ChangeMaterials()
MPB = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
for(i = 0; i < meshRenderer.materials.coun; i++)
meshRenderer.SetPropertyBlock(MPB, i);