Change default Unity Editor Menu Items

I want to either move or disable the “Asset Store” menu item in “Window/Asset Store” in the Unity Editor.

It takes forever to load and is right next to Asset Server.

is this possible / anyone know how?

You can overwrite it with your own editor class by adding a menu item, and then disabling it:

using UnityEditor;

public class DisableUnityMenuItems : Editor {
	[MenuItem ("Window/Asset Store %9")]
	static void AssetStoreMenu () {
	[MenuItem ("Window/Asset Store %9", true)]
	static bool ValidateAssetStoreMenu () {
	    return false;

Works at least in Unity Pro 4.1

I just went through (on windows) the registry and folder, other then tooltip and whatnot, the base menu functions seem to be hard coded. Sorry.

As a suggestion, try using the Hot key instead of clicking up there, you may have a more success with the hardware key, they software menu item.