Is there a way to set an offset to the direction of particles? I have a rain effect in my game, I would like to make it go in a specific direction, depending on the settings, but I don’t want to rotate the origin.

I have it set to a very slight randomized direction, but I can’t figure out how to set the starting direction without rotating the emitter.
Thanks in advance
In your screenshot you should be able to set the rotation of the emitter shape right there. You may need to change the scale to be 100 on a different axis than x though.
Well, I want to change the direction of the particles, without changing the rotation of the emitter. There will be 3 emitters, and it’s difficult to get them to line up properly when they look like \ \ \
Well, for anyone that finds this, I learned I can just use the “Velocity over lifetime” setting to change this. What a confusing name haha