I want to change the emission value of a material at runtime. I tried using DynamicGI.SetEmissive and it works fine, once…
As soon as I exit play mode or reload the scene it doesn’t work anymore until I rebake the realTime GI. Also if I change the value, quit the scene and come back the scene is all white.
Is there a way to make it work every time?
Good catch, forwarded this to devs. I’ve tried using animation instead and it seems more consistent, but also suffered from this few times.
I found out it’s always doing it after you build the realtime GI in the scene.
1- Build GI
2- go to play mode
3- change emission value
4- exit play mode.
5- now the emission value will not reset and you won’t be able to change it anymore unless you rebuild or restart unity.
Interesting, I’m using the animator to change the value, and I don’t see any effect at all. I wonder if it’s the same thing.