Change enemy color when hit

Hi, this is my enemy:

Enemy1 (gameobject with rigidbody,
collider, AI scripts etc)

→ Armature (child1)

→ the mesh (skinned mesh
renderer & material) (child2)

so the question is… how i can change the color of the enemy material when i hit him?

i have tried this… Make enemy Flash when Hit - Unity Answers

but obviously does not work because the material is in a child, so how i can do it? or how i should do it?

sorry for my english & thank you!

The short version:

Renderer renderers = GetComponentsInChildren< Renderer >()

foreach( Renderer renderer in renderers )
    renderer.material.color = YOUR_COLOR

The slightly longer finer print:

  1. You might want to cache all the renderers at startup instead of fetching them on every action to save on performance.
  2. Make sure your material supports the color attribute.
  3. If you’re targetting anything other than PC, you might want to preset 2 materials and switch between them, as any attribute change to a material at runtime will create a new material instance.

Have fun.

thanks you!! :stuck_out_tongue: