Change filter mode of TemporaryRT while using Command buffers


Maybe silly question - but no luck in finding ansfer.

I use CommandBuffer to inject some calculations after GBuffer generation, for this I need a bunch of TemporaryRTs (half the size of GBuffer) - here is the code:

// allocate temporary RT's (with point filtering)
RenderBeforeLights.GetTemporaryRT( ID_SomeFancyEFX_RT0, -2, -2, 0, FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat.RGHalf, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear );
RenderBeforeLights.GetTemporaryRT( ID_SomeFancyEFX_RT1, -2, -2, 0, FilterMode.Point, RenderTextureFormat.RGHalf, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear );

// do gbuffer information downsampling
RenderBeforeLights.Blit( BuiltinRenderTextureType.CurrentActive, ID_SomeFancyEFX_RT0, ...);

// do some calculations (RT's should be accesed with point filtering)
RenderBeforeLights.Blit( ID_SomeFancyEFX_RT0, ID_SomeFancyEFX_RT1, ...);
RenderBeforeLights.Blit( ID_SomeFancyEFX_RT1, ID_SomeFancyEFX_RT0, ...);

// release the unneeded RT
RenderBeforeLights.ReleaseTemporaryRT( ID_SomeFancyEFX_RT1); 

// set the resulting rt as global texture (will be accesed from deferred composition pass)
RenderBeforeLights.SetGlobalTexture( ID_CompositePassFancyTexture, ID_SomeFancyEFX_RT0 );

// submit command buffer
RenderCamera.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeLighting, RenderBeforeLights);

I see no way to change filtering mode to BILINEAR before calling ‘RenderBeforeLights.SetGlobalTexture’
(in composite pass I want to access ID_SomeFancyEFX_RT0 texture with bilinear filtering)

for ‘normal’ RT’s (without command buffers I could call .filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;) but is there any trick to do this for temporary RT’s ?

Another question that troubles me with command buffers - as you see in code above the ID_SomeFancyEFX_RT0 is leaking (there is no ReleaseTemporaryRT for it)
but as I saw in RenderingCommandBuffers example, there is also no corresponding ReleaseTemporaryRT for some temporaryRTs whose are set as GlobalTextures - this is ok ? (I dont want to end with situation where there are tons of unused temporary RT’s lurking around)

Use the method with FilterMode parameter.

public void GetTemporaryRT(int nameID, int width, int height, int depthBuffer, FilterMode filter);