i have this
public Font m_font;
if ( m_font )
GUI.skin.font = m_font;
and later on
GUI.Label(pos, "" + m_weaponSystem<em>.GetMaxAmmo() + " / " + m_weaponSystem*.GetAmmo());*</em>
but for the life of me find the code to change the size of the font via code?
You have to create a [GUIStyle][1] and assign it to your label:
GUIStyle myStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
myStyle.fontSize = 12;
GUI.Label(pos, "" + m_weaponSystem<em>.GetMaxAmmo() + " / " + m_weaponSystem*.GetAmmo(), myStyle);*</em>
_*[1]: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/GUIStyle.html*_