Change Name Take 001 Animation

How can I change the name of Take 001 so I unity won't play animations through each other?

If you have a model, and then seperate models with one animation each, you can use the @ notation to make unity import each animation with the right name and add it to your main model



would create an animation called Idle, and add it into the animations list of ModelName

The alternative is to check the Split Animations box when looking at your model's importer

You then need to type in the actual name, and start/end frames (be careful that you use the right frames, i think maya is either 1 higher or lower than the number you need to use in unity), and then it adds the animation with the correct name

In the model, go to the animation tab and if you scroll down you’ll notice that one of the fields contains the reference to the animation and it’s name of the animation (which by default is ‘Take 001’)
By clicking on the text filed you can now edit it, and after you do so, press Apply - at this point the name will be updated everywhere it is used.

select the animation clip ,go to Edit,Duplicate … then just rename the duplicated animation clip in the project window . you can delete the original one after if you like …