Change of colours on MeshCollider becomes permanent?

I have a plane with a MeshCollider on it. What I did in my code was to set an area of vertices of that MeshCollider to have certain colours and alpha values. The plane has a material with Shader type as Particles/Multiply. The colours I did to the plane in the code appear correctly on the plane.

But, that manipulation of colours on the mesh appears to become permanent! So even after I stopped playing, the mesh appears to have that modification I made in the code. It doesn’t reset to its original state!

Is this a normal behaviour? How can I get it reset to its original state?

maybe if you modify a mesh file that is saved in the editor, then it changes that mesh yes.

I think there is a term called sharedmesh for things like that, and probably can create an instance of the mesh to edit.

by the way changing colours involves changing material.colour and UVs. Vertices are positions of mesh points.

You have to reload the mesh or reverse the changes.