Change Position of an object

I have this script, but I want the object to move slowly, not instant. I tried with * Time.deltatime, but it doesn’t work. How can i do that??

var destination : Transform;
var destination2 : Transform;
 var firstperson : boolean;
 function Update () {
 if (!firstperson)
 		transform.position = destination.position * Time.deltatime;
 		firstperson = true;
 if (firstperson)
 		transform.position = destination2.position;
 		firstperson = false;

Ok then, Vector3.Lerp should do the trick:

Create an empty gameObject for start point, other for end point and assign them in the inspector.

var start : Transform;
var end : Transform;

function Update () {
    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(start.position, end.position, Time.time);

hope that helps you, and don’t apologize for being a “noob”, everyone was one before.
If you want it to be slower you can simply divide time (Time.time/2).