Change rotation axis for 3D object (robot Joints)

so I have this script that i found in a package which i am using to control a robot (TFAttachement.cs)

From my terrible programming experience, I suspect that the last two lines make it so that the robot spawns at 0,0,0 and the joints are rotating around this point as well.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Unity.Robotics.ROSTCPConnector
    public class TFAttachment : MonoBehaviour
        string m_FrameID;
        public string FrameID { get => m_FrameID; set => m_FrameID = value; }
        string m_TFTopic = "/tf";
        public string TFTopic { get => m_TFTopic; set => m_TFTopic = value; }

        void Start()
            transform.parent = TFSystem.GetOrCreateInstance().GetTransformObject(m_FrameID, m_TFTopic).transform;
            transform.localPosition =;
            transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

The problem is i want to move the robot to be placed at another location than 0.0.0, so I thought to change the last to lines to this :

 transform.position = new Vector3(-2,0,0);
 transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

problem with this one is that when the robot rotates, the joints are rotating and moving relatively to the 0,0,0 point and not spawn, showing the joints flying in space.

I have been trying to find a way to fix the rotation so that is showing correctly, and relative to the new point, but to no end.
Any help would be appreciated

make sure you understand the difference between “localPosition” and “Position”
you have changed this. perhaps you did not want to do that.

Local position is the position of each node/transform, away from it’s direct parent transform in the hierarchy.
position… is its absolute world position in the unity scene / world.

also when are setting an object’s parent, you might want to use transform.setParent( parent, mode )
as when you reparent things… the object can move if you don’t use the correct mode.