Change tags with col.gameObject.tag inside an OnTriggerEnter function NOT WORKING

My objective is this: When objectA enters the objectBs collider (objectA CAN penetrate objectB), the tag of objectA changes or not, depending on objectAs current tag. This is accomplished by a script attached to objectB (the comments are what I EXPECTED the script to do):

var tagChangeNA: GameObject; // sound played when the tag change is NOT possible
var tagChanged: GameObject; // sound played when the tag change IS possible

function OnTriggerEnter (col: Collider) { //the following will be done when objectA enters object Bs collider

    if (col.gameObject.tag == "Cold"){ //if objectAs tag is Cold...
    Instantiate(tagChanged); // play this sound
    col.gameObject.tag = "Medium"; //change the objectAs tag to Medium
    Destroy(gameObject); //destroy objectB

    if (col.gameObject.tag == "Medium"){
    Instantiate(tagChanged); // play this sound
    col.gameObject.tag = "Hot"; //change the objectAs tag to Hot
    Destroy(gameObject); //destroy objectB

    if (col.gameObject.tag !="Cold" || col.gameObject.tag !="Medium"){ //if the objectAs tag is something else...
    Instantiate(tagChangeNA); // actually dont do anything. Only play this sound.


I control objectA to enter objectBs collider.

The initial tag of objectA is "Cold".

When I enter objectB, objectB gets destroyed NO MATTER WHAT objectA's TAG IS (EVEN COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT TAGS)

Both sounds are instantiated (tagChanged & tagChangedNA) simultaneously.

objectAs tag DOES NOT CHANGE.

I really cannot understand why it works in this crazy way.

What am I missing here?

NOTE: both objects are Prefabs, they have Rigid Body component attached and the tags mentioned are already defined in the tags list.

The script is OK, there was another script running on objectA that prevented tags changes. Sorry to anyone who spent their time trying to figure it out!