Change text colour of a particular word

Hey all. When my player character picks up an item, I want the text display for that item to be a different colour from the rest of the string.

For example:

someLabel.text = “Something I want to appear on screen”;

How would I change the colour of the word “appear”, for example?

Thanks in advance.

You can use rich text formatting in your strings: Unity - Manual: Style text with rich text tags


Thanks for the reply. How do I do it within c#, though?

I need to change the text at runtime repeatedly.

Just assign a string that contains rich text and it will work.

someLabel.text = “Something I want to <colour=red>appear on screen”;


FYI this is the UI Toolkit subforum, not uGUI.

Ah, sorry then. I never look at where the post has been created. And this information NEVER shows in the notifications. I deleted my post.

Ah, I see. Thanks.

Edit: Never mind. Figured out the question I asked.

Thanks for the help.

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