Inside the box is a button that says next and lines of text. What I want is when I click the button the previous text asset will be changed with new text asset.
Here is my code:
var juan1 : TextAsset;
var hari1 : TextAsset;
var holdText : TextAsset;
var tooltipStyle : GUIStyle;
var tex1 : Texture;
function OnGUI()
if (guiOn)
tooltipStyle.padding = RectOffset();
tooltipStyle.contentOffset = Vector2();
holdText = juan1.text
GUI.Box(new Rect(10, Screen.height - 100, 1350, 1200), holdText.text, GUI.tooltip);
if (GUI.Button( Rect (15, Screen.height - 70, 180, 47), tex1, tooltipStyle))
holdText = hari1.text