Change texture on GUITexture gives "error: ambiguous reference"

I have a player object in the scene, with a GUITexture on it.I am trying to access the texture to change it, but I am getting the error:

BCE0004: Ambiguous reference ‘guiText’: PlayerController.guiText, UnityEngine.Component.guiText.

(PlayerController is the name of the script. It’s attached to the same object.)

Here’s the relevant script:

var guiText : GUITexture;

function Awake(){
position = 1;
guiText = GetComponent(GUITexture);

function Update () {

if (HUD.isPaused == false && canMove == true)
	if (Input.GetButtonDown ("right")) 
		position = 1;
		guiText.texture = textures[0];

the ambiguous reference is throw by the last line in the above code… Someone please explain this to me! thanks in advance…

“guiText” is already a variable used by GameObject to refer to the guiText component. Use a different name for the variable, which would be a good idea anyway since referring to GUITexture as guiText is confusing.