Change texture properties in play mode

Hi, we just upgraded our project to Unity2019.2(from Unity2018) and now we encountered a problem that doesn’t exist in Unity2018, and I don’t know if it’s a problem introduced in 2019.2. I did some searching and didn’t find anything relevant to this issue

The problem is, that we can’t change Texture import properties in play mode anymore, like Max resolution, filter type etc. We have to stop play mode in order to make the change and enter play mode again to verify the runtime visual. This is giving us a lot of pain, and I really don’t understand why unity made this change, is there any reason for removing such a good feature which existed since the begining?

Could you please submit a bug report for this issue? If possible, with a minimal reproduction project.

But I don’t think this is a bug, because if you are in play mode, you are not able to change anything in texture’s property, it will tell you ForceSerializeAssets cannot be used in play mode, even in empty project

Can you confirm that this is a bug? I’ll submit a bug report if it is one

I guess in order to confirm if it’s an issue, you have to submit that report. QA will then investigate the case to see if it’s a bug or changed by design.

All right… I submited a bug report, and here is case id:Case 1169942


Thank you, much appreciated! The developers are working to solve this issue. You can see the latest resolution status here: Unity Issue Tracker - Shader Graph freezes when a new property is added via Blackboard

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