Unity’s new UI system is nice, but from what I have seen it bases its slider feature purely on UP/DOWN LEFT/RIGHT. Have any of you found a workaround to change the shape of Unity’s slider UI to get a result more like this :
As you can see, instead of a static left/right bar, the bar wraps around in a spherical shape, is this possible with Unity’s built in system, or should I just start from scratch?
I think this type of slider is not possible with Unity’s default UI.Slider. However, UI.Images have an Image Type called Filled, where the Fill method can be set to Radial 360. This would fill an image as on the above button (except the round thing at the end) when it is a “background” behind an image that has a slit for the slider.
Then you will need a script that controls the Fill Amount of your image. Also, make sure that your minimum and maximum value from whatever it controls maps to the angle where the slider starts and ends.