Change this input to toggle?

I have a code in my game that changes a variable called ‘yOffset’ in my script called ‘MouseOrbitOTS’ from 0 to 0.2 when the input ‘Aim’ is held. Here’s the code…

var NormalY: float = 0; // yOffset while not aiming
var AimY: float = 0.2; // yOffset while aiming
private var cameraScript: MouseOrbitOTS;
function Start(){
     cameraScript = GetComponent(MouseOrbitOTS);
     var ch:Camera = GetComponent(Camera);
function Update(){
     var cameraY = NormalY;
     if (Input.GetButton("Aim")){
         cameraY = AimY;
      cameraScript.yOffset = cameraY; // set yOffset while aiming or not aiming

I’m not sure if I’m asking for a lot since I’m not sure how this works, but could someone change this script so that the number toggles between the two numbers instead of having to hold the button in? Thanks if you can help!

if this is mouse pointer couldnt you use OnMouseOver()?

if (Input.GetButtonDown(“Aim”)){
if(cameraScript.yOffset == AimY){
cameraScript.yOffset = NormalY;
cameraScript.yOffset = AimY;