Change values.

Hi guys. I am learning about some Unity features and today I was playing around with the Instantiate function.

After writing this quick script…

public class PlayerFeatures : MonoBehaviour {
	public GameObject projectileBoomerang;
	Object clone;
	//public Object clone;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
	public void InitializeBoomerang(PlatformerPhysics mPlayer)
		clone = Instantiate(projectileBoomerang, mPlayer.transform.position, transform.rotation);		

I am not sure on how to change some of the properties of my boomerang object, for example, the speed. I would like to create more than one boomerang using this method, with each of them having a different moveSpeed.


BommerangScript boomerang = (BoomerangScript)Instantiate(projectileBoomerang, mPlayer.transform.position, transform.rotation);

Then use your “bommerang” reference and set speed and other properties you would like.


Of course, you either have to have public function SetSpeed or just public speed variable that you will access directly.