Changing 3d Material color not working


I know this is probably simple to all, I come from 2d, and trying to dip my toes into 3d, and part of that is learning to change Material objects color when button is pressed, found a few online, which i am trying to use:

public Material charHaircolor;

public void ChangeToRed()
            Color hairColor = new Color32(67, 32, 0, 255);
            charHaircolor.color = hairColor;

simple method that gets called when a button is pressed… Sadly this never works… i see many tutorials simple put this, yet mine doesnt seem to work… any settings i need to check on the materail?
The Material does belong to a MeshRenderer, and i did also try using MeshRenderer, then set Hair.Material[0].color = NewColor… but still I do see it change on the inspector… just not in the actual game… any ideas?

also here is the material inspector, which if you see on the Albedo, it changes, but never reflects on the actual object/Material in the game, just stays the same white color: