I know this is probably simple to all, I come from 2d, and trying to dip my toes into 3d, and part of that is learning to change Material objects color when button is pressed, found a few online, which i am trying to use:
public Material charHaircolor;
public void ChangeToRed()
Color hairColor = new Color32(67, 32, 0, 255);
charHaircolor.color = hairColor;
simple method that gets called when a button is pressed… Sadly this never works… i see many tutorials simple put this, yet mine doesnt seem to work… any settings i need to check on the materail?
The Material does belong to a MeshRenderer, and i did also try using MeshRenderer, then set Hair.Material[0].color = NewColor… but still I do see it change on the inspector… just not in the actual game… any ideas?