I thought I could change a material at runtime on a MeshRenderer. I have a mesh with two materials on it, I get a reference to the meshrenderer and change the material I want:
Essentially I want when a collision happens with player and a tile the tile to blink.
So I have a script blinktile.
MeshRenderer myRend;
Material myBlinkMaterial;
void Start () {
myRend = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ();
//called once we know we collided.
IEnumerator CollideFlash()
myRend.materials[1] = blinkMaterial;
myRend.materials[1].color = Color.white;
Debug.Log("Name: " + myRend.materials[1].name); //prints out original name not what it is set to in blinkMaterial
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
myRend.materials[1] = m;
myRend.materials[1].color = c;
Do I have to call like an ‘update’ of the material after setting it?