Changing an object's pivot point in Unity.


I have imported assets that have their pivot point on the very bottom of the model, and have scripted behaviours that rely in that point being in the ‘middle’ of the model.

How can I change the pivot point to the middle?

Afaik, that isn’t possible. You can change the pivot that the editor perceives and uses, but not on the actual model when accessing it through a script. If Transform.RotateAround() isn’t enough to get by, you’ll have to change the source assets. Seems kind of weird to have an inconsistency between the modeling tool and the game environment, should you find some way to change it.

well, everything i make in 3ds max has it’s pivot in the middle. And in Unity it’s always on the bottom :expressionless:

I think this is a wrong section to aks questions. Anyway you should find the solution in here

One workaround that I’ve used in the past is to parent the object to an empty gameobject positioned where you’d like your pivot point to be.

It would be great to see support for moving pivots natively though.

Thanks for the link, although it was initially a Unity question, So I felt putting it into the External tools section was wrong also :expressionless:

I had a similar problem. Just create an empty GameObject, and make your model/whatever the child of that.