Changing Font Size of GUI Text With Code?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class OnCollision : MonoBehaviour {

public Transform other;
void OnGUI() {
	if (other) {
		float dist = Vector3.Distance(other.position, transform.position);
		if(dist < 15 ){
			GUI.Button(new Rect(600, 100, 100, 100), "NO");
			GUI.Button(new Rect(800, 100, 100, 100),"YES");
			GUI.TextArea(new Rect (600, 250, 300, 100), "Do You Want To Open This Crate?");



This is my current code. How can i implement the fontSize variable to change the font size of the text in the GUI.TextArea and GUI.Buttons?

Didn’t i answer that already yesterday?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class GUITest : MonoBehaviour
  public Transform other;
  public GUIStyle style;

  void OnGUI()
    if (other)
      float dist = Vector3.Distance(other.position, transform.position);
      if(dist < 15 )
        GUI.Button(new Rect(600, 100, 100, 100), "NO", style);
        GUI.Button(new Rect(800, 100, 100, 100),"YES", style);
        GUI.TextArea(new Rect (600, 250, 300, 100), "Do You Want To Open This Crate?", style);

You can modify the GUIStyle variable comfortably in the inspector.