Changing Impulse Response AudioClip in Convolution Reverb Demo plugin of the Native Audio Plugin SDK

Where do I load my own impulse response (IR) into the demo convolution reverb plugin from the Native Audio Plugin SDK, please?

The C# code of the ConvolutionReverbUploadIR is:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class ConvolutionReverbUploadIR : MonoBehaviour
    private static extern bool ConvolutionReverb_UploadSample(int index, float[] data, int numsamples, int numchannels, int samplerate, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name);

    public AudioClip[] impulse = new AudioClip[0];
    public int index;

    private bool[] uploaded = new bool [64];
    private AudioClip[] currImpulse = new AudioClip [64];
    void Start()

    void Update()
    void UploadChangedClips()
        int currindex = index;
        foreach (var s in impulse)
            if (currImpulse[currindex] != s)
                uploaded[currindex] = false;
            // if s is not null and is loaded and uploaded/ uploading
            if (s != null && s.loadState == AudioDataLoadState.Loaded && !uploaded[currindex])
                // debug log state uploading impulse name 
                Debug.Log ("Uploading impulse response " + + " to slot " + currindex);
                float[] data = new float[s.samples];
                s.GetData(data, 0);
                ConvolutionReverb_UploadSample(currindex, data, data.Length / s.channels, s.channels, s.frequency,;
                uploaded[currindex] = true;
                currImpulse[currindex] = s;

Any help would be appreciated, please.

I figured this out. In case anyone is wondering:

You can add your own impulse responses by adding audio clips to the audio array, “impulse”. These are added to the “use sample” parameter of the “convolution reverb” mixer.

@MadWork Been searching around all over the place for a way to move forward with the convolution. i’ve found the Convolution Reverb Upload IR Script and added clips to the Impulse array.
But when I manipulate the Use Sample value it doesn’t read my new IRs.

Any extra steps you took? Any help would be much appreciated!