so right now my player punches when the input is the mouse key, however, i want a different key to be used… where would i find this? i have no luck finding it in the inspector… this is for the 3d platformer tutorial
You can create new keys using the Input Manager.
If you want to get the keys directly from code there are many functions such as OnMouseDown, OnKeyDown etc, you can find a list of them here.
An example:
if (Input.GetKeyDown("space")) {
Debug.Log("Pressed space!");
I know this, except, currently, the script looks like the following for the character controller… I cannot find where it specifically has mouse = punch in this script through Input Manager.
// The speed when walking
var walkSpeed = 3.0;
// after trotAfterSeconds of walking we trot with trotSpeed
var trotSpeed = 4.0;
// when pressing “Fire3” button (cmd) we start running
var runSpeed = 6.0;
var inAirControlAcceleration = 3.0;
// How high do we jump when pressing jump and letting go immediately
var jumpHeight = 0.5;
// We add extraJumpHeight meters on top when holding the button down longer while jumping
var extraJumpHeight = 2.5;
// The gravity for the character
var gravity = 20.0;
// The gravity in controlled descent mode
var controlledDescentGravity = 2.0;
var speedSmoothing = 10.0;
var rotateSpeed = 500.0;
var trotAfterSeconds = 3.0;
var canJump = true;
var canControlDescent = true;
var canWallJump = false;
private var jumpRepeatTime = 0.05;
private var wallJumpTimeout = 0.15;
private var jumpTimeout = 0.15;
private var groundedTimeout = 0.25;
// The camera doesnt start following the target immediately but waits for a split second to avoid too much waving around.
private var lockCameraTimer = 0.0;
// The current move direction in x-z
private var moveDirection =;
// The current vertical speed
private var verticalSpeed = 0.0;
// The current x-z move speed
private var moveSpeed = 0.0;
// The last collision flags returned from controller.Move
private var collisionFlags : CollisionFlags;
// Are we jumping? (Initiated with jump button and not grounded yet)
private var jumping = false;
private var jumpingReachedApex = false;
// Are we moving backwards (This locks the camera to not do a 180 degree spin)
private var movingBack = false;
// Is the user pressing any keys?
private var isMoving = false;
// When did the user start walking (Used for going into trot after a while)
private var walkTimeStart = 0.0;
// Last time the jump button was clicked down
private var lastJumpButtonTime = -10.0;
// Last time we performed a jump
private var lastJumpTime = -1.0;
// Average normal of the last touched geometry
private var wallJumpContactNormal : Vector3;
private var wallJumpContactNormalHeight : float;
// the height we jumped from (Used to determine for how long to apply extra jump power after jumping.)
private var lastJumpStartHeight = 0.0;
// When did we touch the wall the first time during this jump (Used for wall jumping)
private var touchWallJumpTime = -1.0;
private var inAirVelocity =;
private var lastGroundedTime = 0.0;
private var lean = 0.0;
private var slammed = false;
private var isControllable = true;
function Awake ()
moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
// This next function responds to the “HidePlayer” message by hiding the player.
// The message is also ‘replied to’ by identically-named functions in the collision-handling scripts.
// - Used by the LevelStatus script when the level completed animation is triggered.
function HidePlayer()
GameObject.Find(“rootJoint”).GetComponent(SkinnedMeshRenderer).enabled = false; // stop rendering the player.
isControllable = false; // disable player controls.
// This is a complementary function to the above. We don’t use it in the tutorial, but it’s included for
// the sake of completeness. (I like orthogonal APIs; so sue me!)
function ShowPlayer()
GameObject.Find(“rootJoint”).GetComponent(SkinnedMeshRenderer).enabled = true; // start rendering the player again.
isControllable = true; // allow player to control the character again.
function UpdateSmoothedMovementDirection ()
var cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform;
var grounded = IsGrounded();
// Forward vector relative to the camera along the x-z plane
var forward = cameraTransform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
forward.y = 0;
forward = forward.normalized;
// Right vector relative to the camera
// Always orthogonal to the forward vector
var right = Vector3(forward.z, 0, -forward.x);
var v = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
var h = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
// Are we moving backwards or looking backwards
if (v < -0.2)
movingBack = true;
movingBack = false;
var wasMoving = isMoving;
isMoving = Mathf.Abs (h) > 0.1 || Mathf.Abs (v) > 0.1;
// Target direction relative to the camera
var targetDirection = h * right + v * forward;
// Grounded controls
if (grounded)
// Lock camera for short period when transitioning moving & standing still
lockCameraTimer += Time.deltaTime;
if (isMoving != wasMoving)
lockCameraTimer = 0.0;
// We store speed and direction seperately,
// so that when the character stands still we still have a valid forward direction
// moveDirection is always normalized, and we only update it if there is user input.
if (targetDirection !=
// If we are really slow, just snap to the target direction
if (moveSpeed < walkSpeed * 0.9 && grounded)
moveDirection = targetDirection.normalized;
// Otherwise smoothly turn towards it
moveDirection = Vector3.RotateTowards(moveDirection, targetDirection, rotateSpeed * Mathf.Deg2Rad * Time.deltaTime, 1000);
moveDirection = moveDirection.normalized;
// Smooth the speed based on the current target direction
var curSmooth = speedSmoothing * Time.deltaTime;
// Choose target speed
//* We want to support analog input but make sure you cant walk faster diagonally than just forward or sideways
var targetSpeed = Mathf.Min(targetDirection.magnitude, 1.0);
// Pick speed modifier
if (Input.GetButton ("Fire3"))
targetSpeed *= runSpeed;
else if (Time.time - trotAfterSeconds > walkTimeStart)
targetSpeed *= trotSpeed;
targetSpeed *= walkSpeed;
moveSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(moveSpeed, targetSpeed, curSmooth);
// Reset walk time start when we slow down
if (moveSpeed < walkSpeed * 0.3)
walkTimeStart = Time.time;
// In air controls
// Lock camera while in air
if (jumping)
lockCameraTimer = 0.0;
if (isMoving)
inAirVelocity += targetDirection.normalized * Time.deltaTime * inAirControlAcceleration;
function ApplyWallJump ()
// We must actually jump against a wall for this to work
if (!jumping)
// Store when we first touched a wall during this jump
if (collisionFlags == CollisionFlags.CollidedSides)
touchWallJumpTime = Time.time;
// The user can trigger a wall jump by hitting the button shortly before or shortly after hitting the wall the first time.
var mayJump = lastJumpButtonTime > touchWallJumpTime - wallJumpTimeout && lastJumpButtonTime < touchWallJumpTime + wallJumpTimeout;
if (!mayJump)
// Prevent jumping too fast after each other
if (lastJumpTime + jumpRepeatTime > Time.time)
if (Mathf.Abs(wallJumpContactNormal.y) < 0.2)
wallJumpContactNormal.y = 0;
moveDirection = wallJumpContactNormal.normalized;
// Wall jump gives us at least trotspeed
moveSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(moveSpeed * 1.5, trotSpeed, runSpeed);
moveSpeed = 0;
verticalSpeed = CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed (jumpHeight);
SendMessage("DidWallJump", null, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
function ApplyJumping ()
// Prevent jumping too fast after each other
if (lastJumpTime + jumpRepeatTime > Time.time)
if (IsGrounded()) {
// Jump
// - Only when pressing the button down
// - With a timeout so you can press the button slightly before landing
if (canJump && Time.time < lastJumpButtonTime + jumpTimeout) {
verticalSpeed = CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed (jumpHeight);
SendMessage("DidJump", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
function ApplyGravity ()
if (isControllable) // don’t move player at all if not controllable.
// Apply gravity
var jumpButton = Input.GetButton(“Jump”);
// * When falling down we use controlledDescentGravity (only when holding down jump)
var controlledDescent = canControlDescent && verticalSpeed <= 0.0 && jumpButton && jumping;
// When we reach the apex of the jump we send out a message
if (jumping && !jumpingReachedApex && verticalSpeed <= 0.0)
jumpingReachedApex = true;
SendMessage("DidJumpReachApex", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
// * When jumping up we don't apply gravity for some time when the user is holding the jump button
// This gives more control over jump height by pressing the button longer
var extraPowerJump = IsJumping () && verticalSpeed > 0.0 && jumpButton && transform.position.y < lastJumpStartHeight + extraJumpHeight;
if (controlledDescent)
verticalSpeed -= controlledDescentGravity * Time.deltaTime;
else if (extraPowerJump)
else if (IsGrounded ())
verticalSpeed = 0.0;
verticalSpeed -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
function CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed (targetJumpHeight : float)
// From the jump height and gravity we deduce the upwards speed
// for the character to reach at the apex.
return Mathf.Sqrt(2 * targetJumpHeight * gravity);
function DidJump ()
jumping = true;
jumpingReachedApex = false;
lastJumpTime = Time.time;
lastJumpStartHeight = transform.position.y;
touchWallJumpTime = -1;
lastJumpButtonTime = -10;
function Update() {
if (!isControllable)
// kill all inputs if not controllable.
if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Jump"))
lastJumpButtonTime = Time.time;
// Apply gravity
// - extra power jump modifies gravity
// - controlledDescent mode modifies gravity
ApplyGravity ();
// Perform a wall jump logic
// - Make sure we are jumping against wall etc.
// - Then apply jump in the right direction)
if (canWallJump)
// Apply jumping logic
ApplyJumping ();
// Calculate actual motion
var movement = moveDirection * moveSpeed + Vector3 (0, verticalSpeed, 0) + inAirVelocity;
movement *= Time.deltaTime;
// Move the controller
var controller : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController);
wallJumpContactNormal =;
collisionFlags = controller.Move(movement);
// Set rotation to the move direction
if (IsGrounded())
if(slammed) // we got knocked over by an enemy. We need to reset some stuff
slammed = false;
controller.height = 2;
transform.position.y += 0.75;
if (moveDirection !=
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(moveDirection);
var xzMove = movement;
xzMove.y = 0;
if (xzMove.sqrMagnitude > 0.001)
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(xzMove);
// We are in jump mode but just became grounded
if (IsGrounded())
lastGroundedTime = Time.time;
inAirVelocity =;
if (jumping)
jumping = false;
SendMessage("DidLand", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
function OnControllerColliderHit (hit : ControllerColliderHit )
// Debug.DrawRay(hit.point, hit.normal);
if (hit.moveDirection.y > 0.01)
wallJumpContactNormal = hit.normal;
function GetSpeed () {
return moveSpeed;
function IsJumping () {
return jumping && !slammed;
function IsGrounded () {
return (collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.CollidedBelow) != 0;
function SuperJump (height : float)
verticalSpeed = CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed (height);
collisionFlags = CollisionFlags.None;
SendMessage(“DidJump”, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
function SuperJump (height : float, jumpVelocity : Vector3)
verticalSpeed = CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed (height);
inAirVelocity = jumpVelocity;
collisionFlags = CollisionFlags.None;
SendMessage("DidJump", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
function Slam (direction : Vector3)
verticalSpeed = CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed (1);
inAirVelocity = direction * 6;
direction.y = 0.6;
var controller : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController);
controller.height = 0.5;
slammed = true;
collisionFlags = CollisionFlags.None;
SendMessage(“DidJump”, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
function GetDirection () {
return moveDirection;
function IsMovingBackwards () {
return movingBack;
function GetLockCameraTimer ()
return lockCameraTimer;
function IsMoving () : boolean
return Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxisRaw(“Vertical”)) + Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxisRaw(“Horizontal”)) > 0.5;
function HasJumpReachedApex ()
return jumpingReachedApex;
function IsGroundedWithTimeout ()
return lastGroundedTime + groundedTimeout > Time.time;
function IsControlledDescent ()
// * When falling down we use controlledDescentGravity (only when holding down jump)
var jumpButton = Input.GetButton(“Jump”);
return canControlDescent && verticalSpeed <= 0.0 && jumpButton && jumping;
function Reset ()
gameObject.tag = “Player”;
// Require a character controller to be attached to the same game object
@script RequireComponent(CharacterController)
@script AddComponentMenu(“Third Person Player/Third Person Controller”)