I have a character that loses body parts - instead of going down switching out meshes (they’re animated through bones and I can’t see this being hefty), I’m going to use material ID’s and make the part transparent through switching materials.
I’ve not accessed the material elements (translating through Max’s material IDs) before, and I can’t really find info on it - the character will have three ID’s, body (which will always have the same material), left arm and right arm (which will be swapped for a single transparent material), so there will only be a fixed amount of elements.
Not sure what kind of help you need, but if you can’t phrase a reasonable question, please don’t spam threads.
You’re still doing nothing to prevent your passive aggressive tone, even when faced with legit criticism.
At this point in time 57 people have seen this thread, and nobody responded except me.
So thanks for being generously appreciative toward our cumulative waste of time, I guess.
Honestly friend, I appreciate you trying to help, but some of your replies are a little bit esoteric and hard to understand, I’m only here to get help and I’m not getting into arguments and back and forth making it even more confusing. Thanks.
oh that was you with that weird attitude.
I’ve seen many things, but this is the first time I’ve seen someone describe common sense as esoteric.
don’t worry, I’ll try to avoid the posts of a happy doughnut from now on.
man, just do your thing, go play football or something, don’t bother us with your non-esoteric topics that you can easily find answers for by looking at docs, unity learn and brackeys. I don’t know what you were hoping for, but you can’t surely expect that we suddenly all downplay our IQ so that you can feel better.
this is a scripting forum, and if there was some sort of advanced scripting forum I’d gladly move there, but it definitely is not scripting for people who think programming is esoteric, I’m so so sorry for bursting your bubble.