Changing Position of Character while rolling animation

I have my player character animated model (downloaded from Mixamo, with roll forward animation).
I am able to play the roll animation whenever space key is pressed using trigger parameter.
Here is my code

using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
    private Animator anim;
    private Rigidbody rb;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))

But, right after the animation is placed, my player comes back to it’s original position.
(I know, its because I am just playing the animation and not changing its transform).
But how do I change it’s transform, so that the player actually appears to be rolling forward.

This is the result what I am getting.

I tried checking Apply Root Motion on the Animator and selected Hips as Root Node in the animation settings,
the character changes it’s tranform but no matter which bone I select as root, it is always at some weird rotation.

I’m no expert on Root Motion, but this sort of thing usually requires some fiddling around in the animation’s import settings like Root Transform Rotation.

what does the import settings on the model look like? i would need to see the rig tab, and the import settings for the animation file.