There is really something that I don’t understand with this part of my script >_<…
To be sure I use this
for (int i = 0; i < gameObject.Length; i++)
EditorUtility.SetDirty( gameObject[i] );
everywhere I modify a prefab or something but the ScaleInLightMap value is never saved…
I gonna give details on what i’m doing if someone can explain what I’m doing wrong :x
First I generate the UV set for lightmap with those 2 functions :
//Function to genereate the lightmap uv of each prefab and children
private void GenerateLightmapUVArray (GameObject[] gameObject)
//Check if the array is empty, if yes USER GTFO !
if (nSizeLightMapArray == 0 || LightMapUvMeshsToGenerate [0] == null)
m_sErrorStringUV = "Need at least 1 mesh in the array above !";
//Otherwise loop on each prefab and check them wit hthe recursive function
for (int i = 0; i < gameObject.Length; i++)
GenerateLightMapUV2 ( gameObject [i] );
//Update the mesh setting in editor
//Debug.Log("Save the assets");
for (int i = 0; i < gameObject.Length; i++)
EditorUtility.SetDirty( gameObject[i] );
//Recursive function switch all uv2 of mesh to true
private void GenerateLightMapUV2 (GameObject gameObject)
MeshFilter meshFilter = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter> ();
MeshRenderer meshRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ();
//Check if my mesh have and filter and a renderer so it's the final
if (meshFilter != null meshRenderer != null)
//Take the mesh of the file
Mesh meshLightmapped = meshFilter.sharedMesh;
//Take the file's path and put it in a string
string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath (meshLightmapped);
// Debug.Log ("Model path : " + path);
string extensionPath = System.IO.Path.GetExtension (path);
// Debug.Log ("extension path : " + extensionPath);
if (!extensionPath.Equals (".asset"))
//Define a modelImporter to modify its importing settings
ModelImporter model = AssetImporter.GetAtPath (path) as ModelImporter;
//Put the generateSecondaryUV field to true and GenerateUVSet for the mesh
if (!model.generateSecondaryUV)
model.generateSecondaryUV = true;
Unwrapping.GenerateSecondaryUVSet (meshLightmapped);
Unwrapping.GenerateSecondaryUVSet (meshLightmapped);
//Iterate on the children if they have something to render too
foreach (Transform t in gameObject.transform)
GenerateLightMapUV2 (t.gameObject);
then when it’s done I want bake my lightmap that use those prefabs so I use my personnal lightmap window cause I add custom field as I said in the previous posts and I’m doing this to bake my lightmaps :
//Init our scene view with all game object
private void InitScene ()
string sTagToUse = "";
bool bIsFirstTimePassThrough = true;
GameObject[] m_goToBakeArray;
int nTempArraySize = 0;
//Init all the gameobject from our window in the scene (Transform must be set in the prefab before import them in editor window )
foreach (GameObject go in LightMapUvMeshsToGenerate)
Instantiate (go);
//Think to do the same thing for the lights cause just 1 light possible here so associate a tag to a light
Instantiate ( DirectionnalLightArray );
//Force all game object in our scene as static
private void StaticAllTheScene ()
//Iterate on all our gameobject in the scene and put them as static
GameObject[] goList = new GameObject[GameObject.FindSceneObjectsOfType (typeof(GameObject)).Length];
//Take all gameobject type and put them in da list
goList = (GameObject[])GameObject.FindSceneObjectsOfType (typeof(GameObject));
// Debug.Log ("Real start of static scale in lightmap...");
for (int i = 0; i < goList.Length; i++) {
// Debug.Log("Liste de game object : " + goList[i].name );
// Debug.Log("====================================================");
// Debug.Log("Is Static : " + goList[i].isStatic + " My object name : " + goList[i].name );
// Debug.Log("His parent : " + goList[i].transform.parent + " - have a light ? " + goList[i].GetComponent<Light>());
// Debug.Log("====================================================");
//Put all gameObject static field to true
if ( goList [i].GetComponent<Light> () == null )
goList [i].isStatic = true;
ScaleInLightmapAll (goList [i]);
// Debug.Log("====================================================");
// Debug.Log("Is Static : " + goList[i].isStatic + " My object name : " + goList[i].name );
// Debug.Log("His parent : " + goList[i].transform.parent + " - have a light ? " + goList[i].GetComponent<Light>());
// Debug.Log("====================================================");
// Debug.Log ("Static scale in lightmap over so save all this changes");
//Modify all scale of our object to a new one
private void ScaleInLightmapAll (GameObject go)
//Check if he got a renderer
if (go.renderer != null)
//Serialized my object to allow to modify every property in it
SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject (go.GetComponent<Renderer> ());
SerializedProperty goScaleProperty = so.FindProperty("m_ScaleInLightmap");
//Find the property and modify them
goScaleProperty.floatValue = m_nScaleInLightmap;
//Apply the modified properties
Debug.Log ("succes ? " + so.ApplyModifiedProperties ()); //Send true but this is working ? oO
Debug.Log ("Scale value after : " + so.FindProperty ("m_ScaleInLightmap").floatValue);
EditorUtility.SetDirty( go );
//Bake all the scene in async mod if it's the last thing to do or sync if it's the complete execution
private void BakingScene ()
//Check all the mesh in the scene and put them static
// Debug.Log ("Convert all mesh to static...");
StaticAllTheScene ();
// Debug.Log ("Convertion over.");
// Debug.Log ("=============================");
// Debug.Log ("Baking...");
// Debug.Log ("Current tooltip : " + toolbarInt.ToString ());
//Bake the current scene in synchronous mod to block all the rest and stop the application
// if (toolbarInt == 2)
// Lightmapping.BakeAsync ();
// else
if (toolbarInt == 4)
Lightmapping.Bake ();
// Debug.Log ("Baking over");
// Debug.Log ("=============================");
To be simple, I init my scene with all necessary prefab of object and light needed in my scene. Then I convert them to static to allow lightmapping and I modify their scale in lightmap to be sure their size in the lightmap texture is good.
Then I bake and at the end of the bake, if I understand what Unity do with its real baking window, it updates all those prefab lines :
m_LightmapIndex: 255
m_LightmapTilingOffset: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0, w: 0}
With those 2 lines, the prefab can re-apply in everyscene the good tilling and offset for the corresponding uv lightmap texture. So to be sure that it’s done too, I use again after the bake the function to save assets modification.
If I’m not clear in some part of my explaination or if you need more informations on what I’m doing, ask it and I answer it ;).
Hope someone can help me on that cause I really become crazy cause of those asset saves and serializedObject.