Changing rotation angle in 2D unity3d project

On scene we have platform with BoxCollider2D.
On platform we have triangle with PolygonCollider2D and Rigidbody2D.

At startup our triangle falls and fall on one side, and parameter Transform-> Rotation-> Z changes.

I’m making the controller for this triangle(at future it will be a plane). When I press UpArrow button, I checking is grounded my plane or in “air”, and if it’s on ground - rotation->z chages to 0 degrees that is parallel to the platform and move to the right with speed (_speed = MaxSpeed / 2). I can’t turn my triangle and move right, please help me, I can’t find answer for my question at least 3 days.

How are you moving the triangle? If you rotate it back to 0, physics will just cause it to fall down (rotate) again.
You might want to disable the rigid body when a button is pressed.