Changing scene by pressing a key

Hiya! So I’m working on a game completely on my own. I’m not good at all with unity or coding. So my problem is that I want to stand in a cartain area and press a button, which then switches scenes to where you can buy guns (other scene). My code atm looks like this

 void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
            if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player")
                ContinueText.text = Continue;
                helpText.text = "";
                if (Input.GetButtonDown("Use"))
                    Debug.Log("Loading level: Shop");

I added “Use” to the input manager aswell. Anyone knows what I can do to make it work? Atm I don’t get any errors.

Did you add a breakpoint on line 10 to see if the debugg stops there?

If anyone is googling and comes to this topic, the answer was in the function.
Instead of using OnTriggerEnter, which only runs when you enter the object. Use OnTriggerStay, which runs as long as you’re inside the trigger