Changing scenes by pressing a key press while being in a trigger

Here’s my script:

if (Input.GetButton ("Jump") && other.gameObject.CompareTag("Exit_Scene")) 
			SceneManager.LoadScene (1, LoadSceneMode.Additive);

It looks like everything is fine, but when I enter the zone triggered “Exit_Scene” and push space button… Nothing happens! I’ve already put the scene I need in a “Build Settings” menu. Could anyone tell what have I done wrong?

Good day.
I undertsnd this is inside a OnTriggerStay. If isnot, there is the problem…

If it’s inside it, then check if is detecting the collision just before executring the “if” , check the 2 parts of the if using DEbug.Log, and checking the console.

Debug.Log (other.gameObject.tag;);
if (Input.GetButton ("Jump"))
 Debug.Log("Button Clicked");

If they are executing, then check the inside of you if sentence.
Replace the

SceneManager.LoadScene (1, LoadSceneMode.Additive);

with another

Debug.Log ("If Executed");

If this helped, please accept the answer :smiley:

If this is executing too, your problem is in the parameters of LoadScence.

If you just want to load the next scene, use just

SceneManager.LoadScene (1);

And be sure you had added the scene “1” at your UnityBuild Panel

If helped, please accept the answer! :smiley: