Here’s my script:
if (Input.GetButton ("Jump") && other.gameObject.CompareTag("Exit_Scene"))
SceneManager.LoadScene (1, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
It looks like everything is fine, but when I enter the zone triggered “Exit_Scene” and push space button… Nothing happens! I’ve already put the scene I need in a “Build Settings” menu. Could anyone tell what have I done wrong?
Good day.
I undertsnd this is inside a OnTriggerStay. If isnot, there is the problem…
If it’s inside it, then check if is detecting the collision just before executring the “if” , check the 2 parts of the if using DEbug.Log, and checking the console.
Debug.Log (other.gameObject.tag;);
if (Input.GetButton ("Jump"))
Debug.Log("Button Clicked");
If they are executing, then check the inside of you if sentence.
Replace the
SceneManager.LoadScene (1, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
with another
Debug.Log ("If Executed");
If this helped, please accept the answer 
If this is executing too, your problem is in the parameters of LoadScence.
If you just want to load the next scene, use just
SceneManager.LoadScene (1);
And be sure you had added the scene “1” at your UnityBuild Panel
If helped, please accept the answer!