Changing the color of a material during runtime (works in editor, not build)

So, I’ve got this scene for customizing the color of your player: Screenshot

The player is a prefab that is instantiated in the game scene when it runs, and the materials I am editing in this scene belong to the prefab.


When I try it out in the editor, it works perfectly. it saves all of the colors correctly when the game is played, but when I build the game, I try to edit the player, but as soon as I switch scenes to the game, the colors revert to what they originally were.


Here is my code:


	public Renderer Player;
	public int Index;
	public Color ResetColor;
	public Slider Red;
	public Slider Green;
	public Slider Blue;
	public RawImage bg;
	private Color color;
	void Start(){
		color = Player.sharedMaterials[Index].color;
		Red.value = color.r;
		Green.value = color.g;
		Blue.value = color.b;
	public void Reset(){
		Red.value = ResetColor.r;
		Green.value = ResetColor.g;
		Blue.value = ResetColor.b;
		color = ResetColor;
	void Update(){
		bg.color = color;
		color.r = Red.value;
		color.g = Green.value;
		color.b = Blue.value;
		Player.sharedMaterials[Index].color = color;


There is a ColorScript for every body part I am editing, and the public variables are set correctly. Player is the prefab, and I am using sharedMaterials because of that. I just don’t understand why it works in the editor but not in the build. Can somebody please help me?


The reason is that by modifying sharedMaterial you modify material asset itself.
You can verify this by inspecting your material after exiting play mode.

This is non-intuitive and strange at first but has very useful applications.

To start with, here is a simple rule to remember:

When run in Editor: All asset changes are preserved.

When run built player: Assets are read-only.

Also, take a look at documentation.