Changing the Editor Font in Unity Prefences kills the editor for all projects with UIToolit

In the Unity Prefences there is the option “Editor font”
I was curious and klicked on it and changed it to “Verdana”, the other option available.

Then every Editor panel went blank!

When I restarted the Unity Editor I got the error Dialog “Failed to load Window layout”, only the “Quit”-Button does something. The other options “Load default” and “Reset to factory settings” do nothing.

The solitions mentioned here do not work
Can not Launch Unity Due to "Failed to load window layout" page-2?_ga=2.66497198.1608081803.1619012283-1571259785.1618296079#post-6404145

When I try open other unity projects which worked fine, they also get that error now!

Deleteing all unity settings in AppData folders did not change anything
Deleting the Projects Library folder did not change anything
Reinstalling Unity did not change anything

What helped was:
Creating a new project.
Go to the Preferences and revert the Editor Font to “Inter (default)”.
Then I can open the other projects again.

Since all the projects I tried that were broken this way ha UIToolkit and UIBuilder packages loaded and the new Project did not, I guess UIToolkit is the cause of that bug.

Unity Version was 2020.3.4
UIToolkit Version was 1.0.0 preview 14
UIBuilder Version was 1.0.0 preview 14

This is a known issue. Here is the link if you want to track the resolution.

We will try to land with the next package release, but we may be late.

Okay, I just reported this today too.

You forgot to include the actual link.

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If someone else hits this issue, you can get the editor working again easily by opening RegExit and deleting the key at
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Unity Technologies\Unity Editor 5.x\user_editor_font_h2094192102
(I’m not sure if the number at the end will be the same for you, but it’ll be the key starting with user_editor_font)