Changing the inspector's title bar for a script


Is it possible to change the inspector’s title bar for a script(component) you have added? We all know the basic stuff unity puts there: the ‘Scriptname (Script)’ thing. I want to make it look different like a material for example:

Inspector's material title bar

I want to be able to put a ‘quick setting’ for my script like the shader property in this material title bar. I know the EditorGUILayout has a InspectorTitlebar property but that’s not what i am looking for. I want to customize the REAL inspector instead of creating a window like the inspector.

Any help is much appreciated. I hope I didn’t miss something obvious for this in the documentation

I think you cannot change it, because it has to be representable on all platforms, and therefore is not to the same extent customizable as the stuff below it.

Additionaly all the Titlebars collapse to a nice “one-line” element in the inspector.
Except the Material(s) assigned to a game object. Maybe if you reverse engineer how the material is done, then you could eventually come up with a solution to that.