I’ve been working on migrating over to the new action-based input system and got everything up and running. I have teleport available on my left hand which will only respond to the “select” action.
I can’t find out how to change this anywhere, I’d like to use a completely different button for teleport so I can maintain “grab” style actions on the “select” button.
I’ve managed to get everything working so as I can use a different action to show my teleport ray and reticle using a different button, but to actually perform the teleport I still have to use the “select” button.
I’ve similar issue too. I really need two distinct actions, one for teleport one for grab. But it seems that is is absolutely impossible to change the Action associated to the teleport. Unfortunately the solution proposed by rmcs87 is not effective, since I still have the same Select Action binded to both the teleport (performed by the TeleportationProvider) and the Interaction (provided by XR Grab Interactable). What am i missing?
Maybe creating a designated script is the solution?
seems like a long way to go to achieve trivial behavior of deciding which button should affect teleportation
To change the teleport interactor’s input without affecting the other grab interaction, you can put the teleport interactor on a child of the controller and then give the child it’s own Action Based Controller. Since it’s a child transform it won’t need to update its position and you can turn off the “Enable Input Tracking” field and just turn on the “Enable Input Actions” to set a different mapping for Select.
These screenshots are from the Demo scene in Starter Assets sample (taken from package version 2.3.2) if you want to try it out.