Changing tiles at runtime based on whether player has moved over them

Hiya, I am working on recreating a game similar to club penguins Thin Ice minigame, which is a 2D maze game for my coursework for college. This is my first time using C# and unity so I am very much learning as I go along. In my game I have a player that moves around a maze which is made out of two tilemaps, one for the walls and one for the walkable ground (which is made up of a light blue tile which is meant to represent ice) , once the player has moved over a tile, the ice tile is supposed to melt into a water tile, so all I am trying to do is change the tile to a different one once the player has walked over the ice tile. Here is my script (which is attached to the ground tilemap and the tilemap has a rigidbody 2D component and a tilemap collider 2D with isTrigger ticked, player also has a box collider and rigidbody 2D). Any help would be appreciated greatly

   void Start()
        //Finds positions of tiles on animated Ground tilemap
        Tilemap AnimatedGround = GetComponent<Tilemap>();

        BoundsInt bounds2 = AnimatedGround.cellBounds;
        TileBase[] allTiles2 = AnimatedGround.GetTilesBlock(bounds2);

        for (int x = 0; x < bounds2.size.x; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < bounds2.size.y; y++)
                TileBase tile = allTiles2[x + (y * bounds2.size.x)];
                if (tile != null)
                    //if there is a tile adds the position to a list
                    Debug.Log("x:" + x + " y:" + y + " tile:" +;
                    pos.x = x;
                    pos.y = y;


        void OnTriggerExit2D(UnityEngine.Collider2D collision)

            if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
                //iterates through the list to see what tile the player is on
                for (int i = 0; i < listOfTilePositions.Count; i++)
                    if (listOfTilePositions[i] == playerPosition)
                        Vector3Int tilePos = AnimatedGround.WorldToCell(listOfTilePositions[i]);
                        _ = AnimatedGround.GetTile(tilePos);
                        AnimatedGround.SetTile(tilePos, null);
                        AnimatedGround.SetTile(tilePos, spritesheet_5);

                    // }
                if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Wall"))
                    collision.isTrigger = false;


1st . you never said what wasnt working

 _ = AnimatedGround.GetTile(tilePos);

1.) that would help… nothing happens, the player just moves over the ground, the tiles do not change at all.
2.) I forgot to cut that bit out… I have been playing around for a while and that line is not actually needed.